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What’s your teaching philosophy? Our program is designed to be very holistic. It is our goal to create a safe environment for young riders to develop the essential skills that create good horsemanship and a positive experience for both horse and rider. We believe deeply in learning broadly about the horses, and about ourselves and our impact on the horses. To that end, we take the time to teach riders to groom, tack, lead, do groundwork, and observe the horses and their behavior and movement, in addition to teaching riding skills. We find that riders who have broad holistic skills create excellent relationships with horses and are better able to meet their goals and the needs of their horses. 

My child has no experience, is that OK? Yes, we are happy to start your child off from the very beginning. 

I have two kids with different levels of experience, can they lesson together? Sometimes! This will depend on the individuals, and the best answer is that we can try it and see how it goes. 

What does my student need to wear? Stretchy pants or jeans work well. A closed-toe shoe with a small heel is good. We do have a small supply of boots we can loan out. 

Do I need to buy a helmet? Not immediately. While we think it’s great if your kid can have their own helmet in the long-run, we have helmets available to borrow. 

Do you offer Camps? We do! We offer 1-day introductory camps (frequently on no-school days or during school breaks) and summer camps. 

Do you offer Group Lessons? Yes, depending on the level of the rider. We start all riders with the support of a person on the ground, so that they can focus exclusively on themselves. Once a rider is capable of riding off the line, they can go into group lessons. This is a bit different than the philosophy found in other lesson programs. It is intended to improve the welfare of our school horses, and to make the process simpler and more achievable for the riders. It is an example of one of our principles, “The Slow Way is the Fast Way”. 

Do you offer therapeutic riding? Unfortunately no, at this time we are not equipped or trained to offer Therapeutic riding. 

What age range do you teach? Our camps begin at age 5. We find that students from 5-7 do a great job learning some essential skills and terminology and thoroughly enjoy horse time. 7 and older are more capable of developing independent riding skills. This varies greatly by the individual child, their temperament and size. 

Do you offer scholarships? Yes! We believe that horses should be available to everyone and offer scholarships. Please make sure you select the box asking about scholarship opportunities.

What should we expect at a first lesson? First lessons are less about riding and more about process and procedure. We will show you around the barn, show you where to find your equipment, and go through our safety protocol and expectations. We introduce you to the horses, and begin at the beginning. For more on our curriculum and philosophy, check out our Beginning Curriculum Guide. 

Where should I shop for personal gear when I’m ready? For more info on suggested equipment and where to get it, please check out our Recommended Products Guide. 

Are there any books you suggest? Yes! Please refer to our Recommended Reading Guide.